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Epoxy Technology Europe Ltd agrandit son site de production au Royaume-Uni

Epoxy Technology Europe Ltd agrandit son site de production au Royaume-Uni pour les époxies en seringue pré- mélangés et congelés EPO-TEK®. Le doublement de cette surface permet ainsi de répondre à une demande toujours plus forte de colles EPO-TEK® pour ce type de conditionnement.

Les zones de contrôle de la qualité et de production sous lumière contrôlée (UV), ainsi que la capacité de congélation et de stockage en général ont également été augmentées.

Pourquoi choisir d'externaliser le processus de fabrication de seringues ?


Aiguilles de dosage

Dans les applications de dosage, le choix des aiguilles joue un rôle important. Selon le produit utilisé et le volume à déposer on doit déterminer l’aiguille la plus adaptée.

Notre gamme comprend des

  • aiguilles standard inox de différentes longueurs
  • aiguilles coniques (PP)
  • aiguilles de précision inox
  • aiguilles avec un revêtement PTFE
  • aiguilles ovales
  • aiguilles coudées
  • aiguilles flexibles (PP)
  • etc. 

En savoir plus? Veuillez-nous contacter.


Our new principle Optotherm Inc.

We are happy to announce the business relationship with our new principle Optotherm Inc.

The John P. Kummer Group will promote the system “Sentris” for semiconductor failure analysis on the European market. The Thermal Imaging Microscope pinpoints the low-level infrared thermal emissions by IC faults such as short circuits and leakage current.

Please contact us, we are at your disposal.

More information:



Thermal Imaging Microscope for Semiconductor Device Failure Analysis

Due to the continued decrease in integrated circuit feature size and supply voltages, detecting and locating the miniscule amount of heat generated by failure sites has become increasingly difficult. The Sentris thermal imaging microscope pinpoints the low-level infrared thermal emissions by IC faults such as short circuits and leakage current.


Optotherm, Inc.

Due to the continued decrease in integrated circuit feature size and supply voltages, detecting and locating the miniscule amount of heat generated by failure sites has become increasingly difficult. The Sentris thermal imaging microscope pinpoints the low-level infrared thermal emissions by IC faults such as short circuits and leakage current.


Our new supplier XwinSys

We are proud to announce that JPK entered into a partnership with XwinSys to promote its systems based on enhanced X-Ray technology combined with automated optical 2D and 3D technologies. JPK will be responsible for large parts in Europe.
For further information click here

Our new supplier ITC

We are proud to announce that JPK entered into a partnership with ITC to promote its probe card analyzers, and power semiconductor test systems. JPK will be responsible for sales and service support in Europe.

For more information click here


Probilt™ Probe Card Analyzer PB6500

The Probilt PB6500 has many features that make it the ideal analyzer for all probe card technologies, including the latest probe tip geometries being used to test leading edge semiconductor devices. Its excellent electrical measurement capability and the ability to drive relays on any channel make it the best tool for probe cards with complex circuits and relays on the PCB. With 300Kg of lift force, it has long been recognized as the analyzer of choice for vertical probe card manufacturers.


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